Sunday, November 27, 2011

Step 7: Connection to Novel

**need citations for both books**
Uglies- Scott Westerfeld
I think that the book Uglies showed a side of outer beauty that is very twisted and true in some ways. In the book everyone recieves a surgery when they become 16 that makes them beautiful, perfect and a "Pretties" while everyone else that isn't 16 is considered "Uglies"  and are discriminated against in that they are seperated from the Pretties. I think this connects to outer beauty because it shows how much outer beauty can seperate people are how much people can focus on the outer beauty of a person instead of looking at their inner beauty too.

19 Minutes- Ideas
I think that the book 19 minutes is full of examples of inner beauty but I think one of the best is when Josie, one of the main characters, deciedes to stop hiding her inner beauty behind her outer beauty and lets it shine through. Usually she is hiding behnid a shield which is her outer beauty and popualirity but when she is in court she shows her true self when she confesses to shooting Matt. When she does this she says she did it because even though she loved him she also hated herself for loving him because she couldn't show her inner beauty. She believes that by doing this she can show her inner beauty which was stoping her from helping and being a friend to Peter. This connects to inner beauty because it shows that sometimes people feel as though they can't show their inner beauty because people around them are telling them to only show their outer beauty so they feel as though they want to show their inner beauty but they can't because it would cause them not to fit in.

Other Ideas
 (when she is talking to her mom and she confesses about killing matt)
- when they are making fun of girl and Peter realizes that he doesn't want to be liked because of that but because of his inner beauty.
-peter judged because of apperance and his inner beauty because he didnt fit in, when they were in the photocopy place and josie remember how much she liked hanging out with peter..this was because of his inner beauty not his outer beauty (not actually said, but implied)
-josie in bedroom putting on make up and how her view of beauty changes
-josie changes in order to fit in...she feels the pressure to be beautiful on the exterior not the interior

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