Sunday, November 27, 2011

Step 6: Media and Images


#6 The Beauty in Ugly- Jason Mraz
She's so big hearted,
But not so remarkable
Just an ordinary humble girl
Expecting nothing as we're made to think it's a pretty person's world

But you are beautiful and you'd better go show it so go look again
You gotta be true to your own if you really wanna go to the top
Do you really wanna win?
Don't believe in living normal, just to satisfy demand

Well if you wanna get free
And if you wanna do the passionate thing
And if you wanna get smart for the sake of your heart and oh,
You should own your name and stand up tall
And get real and see the beauty in ugly

Well you are fresh, your face is fabulous
Don't forget you're one of a kind
When nobody is checking the deeds you've done
And nobody's hearing your cries
You make all the fashion statements just by dressing up your mind

Well if you wanna get free
And if you wanna do the passionate thing
And if you wanna get smart for the sake of your heart and oh,
You should own your name and stand up tall
And get real and see the beauty in ugly
And see the beauty in ugly

Well if you wanna get free
And if you wanna do the passionate thing
And if you wanna get smart for the sake of your heart and oh,
You should own your name and stand up tall
And get real and see the beauty in ugly
And see the beauty in ugly

#6.I think that this song written by Jason Mraz reveals the side of inner beauty in a very meaningful and true way. The lyrics of this song shows us that this girl is very humble, caring, passionate and helpful to others, but she doesn't measure up to peoples standard of outer beauty so she isn't considered beautiful when she really is inside and out. She is being told that she shouldn't worry about if others judge her by her apperance and she shouldn't let that affect her view of herself, beacause she has done so much for others and has true inner beauty. I think this is very true to  the side of inner beauty because a person with inner beauty is worrying more about their inner self then their outer self because they know inner beauty would have greater value to others than outer beauty which so many people are judged on.

#3. I think that this image displays a  great example of how outer beauty can affect our lives and how we view ourselves. In this photo a little girl is comparing herself to a Barbie doll, which to many young girls Barbie is considered what beautiful is. This relates to outer beauty because it shows that even at a young age girls are worried about not having what is considered outer beauty and even at every age people are worried that they arn't measuring up to societys view of outer beauty.

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