Friday, November 18, 2011

Step 5- Poem

1. A Woman of Inner Beauty- U Win Kyi
She is always optimistic.
She always forgives.
She is never selfish.
A charity she always gives

A revenge she never takes.
A promise she never breaks.
Never thinks of her own sake.
Always apologizes for mistake she makes.

A helping hand she always lends.
A broken bridge she would mend.
She takes care of poor orphans
like a mother hen.

She is neither arrogant nor belligerent,
but acts like a little lamb.
Her good news spreads to a far distance,
like good-smelling flower scent.

She is so humble,
caring old people very tender.
She is a good listener.
She always says Lord's Prayer.

She has a big heart.
Her life is full of plus.
She gains the public love,
and a smile from God above.

2.Beauty- Jeff Bresee
I see it time and time again
That beauty’s made by what is spent
A beauty that demands a price
With outer glow and inner ice
And observation seems to tell
It’s only as deep as the well
For come the day the well runs dry
Such beauty simply waves goodbye
1. I think that this poem displays the true meaning of inner beauty because it is showing that this woman thinks of others rather than herself and because of this she probably doesn't worry much her outer appearance. It connect to the quote "close you eyes and see they beauty" because in the poem they are showing how this woman is focusing on her inner not her outer which resemble closing your eyes, and seeing the beauty is showing how she is always doing things for others and not only thinking of herself. 

2. I think this poem connects to the quote "The combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind" in that they both resemble outer beauty. I think this poem shows that beauty comes at a price where you have outer beauty but an inside ice. I think this connects to the quote because it shows that beauty pleases the senses so your outer beauty is what will please it, I also think this poem connect because it reveals how beauty eventually fades causing it to no longer please the senses and be of no value.

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