Thursday, November 3, 2011

Step 4: Short Stories

"Appointment With Love"- S.I. Kishor
       I think that "Appointment With Love" connects to quote 1; close you eyes and see the beauty. I think this because in the story the lieutenant is stuck between choosing a woman who would fulfill his spirit but isn't as attractive and a woman who is very attractive but wouldn't fulfill his spirit. He ends up choosing the woman who will fulfill his spirit and this is really the part that shows he has put outer beauty aside and realized inner beauty was what was really important. When he closes his eyes and sees the true beauty he realized that the old woman's inner beauty is more rewarding than the young woman's outer beauty and would be more fulfilling and truly beautiful to him in the end.

"One, Two, Three Little Indians"- Hugh Garner
I think that "One, Two, Three Little Indians" connects to quote #2 because it is showing that you outer apperance can be judged just as the quote does. In the story no one will stop to help Big Tom and his dying baby because they judge his outer apperance and laugh at him. Because his apperance didn't fit into what they would consider normal, they looked the other way instead of putting outer apperance aside and helping a man who cares very much for his son.  This shows that outer beauty can affect your life in many ways and also they way be percive you.

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