Sunday, November 27, 2011

Step 7: Connection to Novel

**need citations for both books**
Uglies- Scott Westerfeld
I think that the book Uglies showed a side of outer beauty that is very twisted and true in some ways. In the book everyone recieves a surgery when they become 16 that makes them beautiful, perfect and a "Pretties" while everyone else that isn't 16 is considered "Uglies"  and are discriminated against in that they are seperated from the Pretties. I think this connects to outer beauty because it shows how much outer beauty can seperate people are how much people can focus on the outer beauty of a person instead of looking at their inner beauty too.

19 Minutes- Ideas
I think that the book 19 minutes is full of examples of inner beauty but I think one of the best is when Josie, one of the main characters, deciedes to stop hiding her inner beauty behind her outer beauty and lets it shine through. Usually she is hiding behnid a shield which is her outer beauty and popualirity but when she is in court she shows her true self when she confesses to shooting Matt. When she does this she says she did it because even though she loved him she also hated herself for loving him because she couldn't show her inner beauty. She believes that by doing this she can show her inner beauty which was stoping her from helping and being a friend to Peter. This connects to inner beauty because it shows that sometimes people feel as though they can't show their inner beauty because people around them are telling them to only show their outer beauty so they feel as though they want to show their inner beauty but they can't because it would cause them not to fit in.

Other Ideas
 (when she is talking to her mom and she confesses about killing matt)
- when they are making fun of girl and Peter realizes that he doesn't want to be liked because of that but because of his inner beauty.
-peter judged because of apperance and his inner beauty because he didnt fit in, when they were in the photocopy place and josie remember how much she liked hanging out with peter..this was because of his inner beauty not his outer beauty (not actually said, but implied)
-josie in bedroom putting on make up and how her view of beauty changes
-josie changes in order to fit in...she feels the pressure to be beautiful on the exterior not the interior

Step 6: Media and Images


#6 The Beauty in Ugly- Jason Mraz
She's so big hearted,
But not so remarkable
Just an ordinary humble girl
Expecting nothing as we're made to think it's a pretty person's world

But you are beautiful and you'd better go show it so go look again
You gotta be true to your own if you really wanna go to the top
Do you really wanna win?
Don't believe in living normal, just to satisfy demand

Well if you wanna get free
And if you wanna do the passionate thing
And if you wanna get smart for the sake of your heart and oh,
You should own your name and stand up tall
And get real and see the beauty in ugly

Well you are fresh, your face is fabulous
Don't forget you're one of a kind
When nobody is checking the deeds you've done
And nobody's hearing your cries
You make all the fashion statements just by dressing up your mind

Well if you wanna get free
And if you wanna do the passionate thing
And if you wanna get smart for the sake of your heart and oh,
You should own your name and stand up tall
And get real and see the beauty in ugly
And see the beauty in ugly

Well if you wanna get free
And if you wanna do the passionate thing
And if you wanna get smart for the sake of your heart and oh,
You should own your name and stand up tall
And get real and see the beauty in ugly
And see the beauty in ugly

#6.I think that this song written by Jason Mraz reveals the side of inner beauty in a very meaningful and true way. The lyrics of this song shows us that this girl is very humble, caring, passionate and helpful to others, but she doesn't measure up to peoples standard of outer beauty so she isn't considered beautiful when she really is inside and out. She is being told that she shouldn't worry about if others judge her by her apperance and she shouldn't let that affect her view of herself, beacause she has done so much for others and has true inner beauty. I think this is very true to  the side of inner beauty because a person with inner beauty is worrying more about their inner self then their outer self because they know inner beauty would have greater value to others than outer beauty which so many people are judged on.

#3. I think that this image displays a  great example of how outer beauty can affect our lives and how we view ourselves. In this photo a little girl is comparing herself to a Barbie doll, which to many young girls Barbie is considered what beautiful is. This relates to outer beauty because it shows that even at a young age girls are worried about not having what is considered outer beauty and even at every age people are worried that they arn't measuring up to societys view of outer beauty.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Step 5- Poem

1. A Woman of Inner Beauty- U Win Kyi
She is always optimistic.
She always forgives.
She is never selfish.
A charity she always gives

A revenge she never takes.
A promise she never breaks.
Never thinks of her own sake.
Always apologizes for mistake she makes.

A helping hand she always lends.
A broken bridge she would mend.
She takes care of poor orphans
like a mother hen.

She is neither arrogant nor belligerent,
but acts like a little lamb.
Her good news spreads to a far distance,
like good-smelling flower scent.

She is so humble,
caring old people very tender.
She is a good listener.
She always says Lord's Prayer.

She has a big heart.
Her life is full of plus.
She gains the public love,
and a smile from God above.

2.Beauty- Jeff Bresee
I see it time and time again
That beauty’s made by what is spent
A beauty that demands a price
With outer glow and inner ice
And observation seems to tell
It’s only as deep as the well
For come the day the well runs dry
Such beauty simply waves goodbye
1. I think that this poem displays the true meaning of inner beauty because it is showing that this woman thinks of others rather than herself and because of this she probably doesn't worry much her outer appearance. It connect to the quote "close you eyes and see they beauty" because in the poem they are showing how this woman is focusing on her inner not her outer which resemble closing your eyes, and seeing the beauty is showing how she is always doing things for others and not only thinking of herself. 

2. I think this poem connects to the quote "The combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind" in that they both resemble outer beauty. I think this poem shows that beauty comes at a price where you have outer beauty but an inside ice. I think this connects to the quote because it shows that beauty pleases the senses so your outer beauty is what will please it, I also think this poem connect because it reveals how beauty eventually fades causing it to no longer please the senses and be of no value.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Step 4: Short Stories

"Appointment With Love"- S.I. Kishor
       I think that "Appointment With Love" connects to quote 1; close you eyes and see the beauty. I think this because in the story the lieutenant is stuck between choosing a woman who would fulfill his spirit but isn't as attractive and a woman who is very attractive but wouldn't fulfill his spirit. He ends up choosing the woman who will fulfill his spirit and this is really the part that shows he has put outer beauty aside and realized inner beauty was what was really important. When he closes his eyes and sees the true beauty he realized that the old woman's inner beauty is more rewarding than the young woman's outer beauty and would be more fulfilling and truly beautiful to him in the end.

"One, Two, Three Little Indians"- Hugh Garner
I think that "One, Two, Three Little Indians" connects to quote #2 because it is showing that you outer apperance can be judged just as the quote does. In the story no one will stop to help Big Tom and his dying baby because they judge his outer apperance and laugh at him. Because his apperance didn't fit into what they would consider normal, they looked the other way instead of putting outer apperance aside and helping a man who cares very much for his son.  This shows that outer beauty can affect your life in many ways and also they way be percive you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Step 3- Quotations

#1 “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech

#2 Close your eyes and see the beauty.  ~Author Unknown 
I think that this quotation portrays inner beauty because it shows that if you close your eyes you will see the true beauty of a person in what they say and do, rather than what they look like. If you "close you eyes" then your thoughts on them won't be influenced by their outer beauty, rather what really counts, their inner beauty and the person they are. By doing this you will truly "see the beauty."

#3 Beauty: The combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and please the mind.
I think that this quote shows the side of outer beauty. It shows that by having a "combination of all the qualites" which I think is outer apperance qualities, will delight the senses and please the mind-have people think you are beautiful. I think it is portraying that outer beauty will be more valuble because it pleases the senses and mind so people will think more greatly of you. This could be a reason why people are judged by their outer beauty rather than their inner beauty because of how the outer beauty affects the person who sees it.

#4 Beauty's attractive, and we don't want people to be attracted by old things. We want them to like the new ones.     - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Friday, October 14, 2011

Step 2- Ancient Myth

Cupid and Psyche

Once upon a time there was a king with three daughters. They were all beautiful, but by far the most beautiful was the youngest, Psyche. She was so beautiful that people began to neglect the worship of Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Venus was very jealous, and asked her son Cupid (the boy with the arrows) to make Psyche fall in love with a horrible monster. When he saw how beautiful she was, Cupid dropped the arrow meant for her and pricked himself, and fell in love with her.
Despite her great beauty no-one wanted to marry Psyche. Her parents consulted an oracle, and were told that she was destined to marry a monster, and they were to take her to the top of a mountain and leave her there. The west wind took her and wafted her away to a palace, where she was waited on by invisible servants. When night came her new husband visited her, and told her that he would always visit her by night and she must never try to see him. 
Although her invisible husband was kind and gentle with her, and the invisible servants attended to her every desire, Psyche grew homesick. She persuaded her husband to allow her sisters to visit her. When they saw how she lived they became very jealous and talked Psyche into peeking at her husband, saying that he was a monster who was fattening her up to be eaten and that her only chance of safety was to kill him. Psyche took a lamp and a knife, but when she saw her beautiful husband, Cupid, she was so surprised she dripped some hot wax onto his shoulder, waking him. He took in the situation at a glance and immediately left Psyche and the magnificent palace she had been living in disappeared in a puff of smoke.

        In the story, Psyche is the most beautiful out of her three sisters, she is so beautiful that people begin worshiping her instead of Venus, the goddesses of love and beauty. Venus is angry so sends Cupid to shoot her with an arrow so that she will fall in love with a monster, but Cupid is shocked by her beauty and drops the arrow on himself and falls in love with her. Psyche is taken away to a palace where Cupid is her husband and she has invisible servants. She is only allowed to meet with Cupid at night when she can't see him and she learns that he is very kind and gentle. Psyche become homesick though, and Cupid allows for her sisters to come and visit her. When her sisters come they convince her to peek at her husband during the day and when she does she is so shocked by his beauty that she drops hot wax on him, which wakes him up and he runs away never to be seen by her again.

      The story of Cupid and Psyche displays beauty in a very unique and creative way. In the beginning when Psyche was only allowed to see her husband at night this represents inner beauty because she learns that he is kind and gentle and Psyche isn't really concerned about his outer appearance. When she sneaks a look at Cupid this represents outer beauty because when she learns how beautiful he is and I think her perception of him changes and I think she would think differently after she saw his appearance. This relates to beauty because I think that this shows that inner beauty and outer beauty go hand in hand, some may think one is more important than the other while some may think the opposite. Someones outer appearance may change your thoughts on their inner beauty and vice-versa.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Step 1-Introduction

A girl lies on her bed in her room, as she flips through the glossy pages of a magazine. She sees slender girls smiling beautifully into the camera with a perfect complexion and wearing the most fashionable clothing. The girl wishes she could be as skinny, popular and look as perfect as these girls. Meanwhile a girl is working 12 hours a day to support her family and still helps others in need. She is looked up to in her community and many young girls want to be like her because of her humility, generosity and how she always puts others first.  

As you can see the concept of beauty can change drastically even within the same community or country and this happens all around the world.  Should we be spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgery so we can look like a model in the magazine or should we not focus on our inner beauty by putting others first? To sum it up which is more valuable; inner beauty or outer beauty?