Friday, September 16, 2011

Step 1-Introduction

A girl lies on her bed in her room, as she flips through the glossy pages of a magazine. She sees slender girls smiling beautifully into the camera with a perfect complexion and wearing the most fashionable clothing. The girl wishes she could be as skinny, popular and look as perfect as these girls. Meanwhile a girl is working 12 hours a day to support her family and still helps others in need. She is looked up to in her community and many young girls want to be like her because of her humility, generosity and how she always puts others first.  

As you can see the concept of beauty can change drastically even within the same community or country and this happens all around the world.  Should we be spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgery so we can look like a model in the magazine or should we not focus on our inner beauty by putting others first? To sum it up which is more valuable; inner beauty or outer beauty?